Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Message To the Anonymous Cringey-Quote-Finder

Emily Blunt was recently scolded by the internet for something she said during an interview almost 10 years ago. In it, she described a restaurant worker as "enormous." After the interview "resurfaced," she duly apologized to...whomever.

Despite having a bit of a double chin myself, I have no particular interest in any person involved in, or any aspect of, this microscopic and petty scandal. Still, this minor kerfuffle moved me to send an open message to whoever's job it is to find cringey things celebrities said a decade ago: 

Forgive yourself.

People who enjoy finding things to criticize in others usually do so because they feel guilty about something they themselves have done. Let it go. You'll be happier, and you won't have to scour the internet for an old interview where Ed O'Neill used the word "retarded" so you can suppress your own regrets and smile while Twitter/X collectively slaps Mr. O'Neill on the wrist.

Life is short. Forgive yourself, anonymous hater of celebrities. 


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